Monday, June 8, 2020

Ready to Roll on June 13, by Appointment

I found non-bleach coronavirus cleaning products and the shop is clean, fluffed and turned to the summer season.

Starting this Saturday, June 13 I will be accepting appointments to open the shop to solo shoppers or a maximum of 2 shoppers from the same household to maintain social distancing. Pretty much any day in the week will work with advance notice. 

To set a date/time call Cathy at 90087-242-9062

Like pretty much everywhere else, shoppers will need to be properly masked, hands sanitized upon entry. Appointments will be set at a minimum of 48 hours apart to comply with the tried clothing and handled merchandise quarantine rules.

The shop has a sightly different look. More hanging space has been added to the center aisle since there will be no need for traffic flow, there is a face shield at the front desk and I will be bringing in linens in the next few weeks.

A few photos: