Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Early Out

After looking at my traffic and sales data for the past month and doing a cost benefit of closing early versus staying open while my stock disappears to Bridgeport, I have decided to close the shop earlier than planned moving up the >>last open date<<< to Saturday April 8th. 

After April 2, my credit card processor will no longer function, so cash sales only after this coming weekend. My chandeliers are listed on Craigslist right now as Mongers Market does not accept additional lighting without an alternate power source so the larger lighting will be sold either here in Deep River or at Mongers Market.

One, maybe 2 more blog posts and I will be closing this blog for my new chapter:

Thanks for checking in.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Things are slowly filtering out... if there is anything that you've had your eye on, now is the time. About half my hats are already gone, the newer stocked hats remain. The hanging scarves, small clutch bags and gloves have been moved. The rolling cart full of linens is gone...

I'm also selling my chandeliers, the wire dressing room chair, the mid century iron "spiral stair" display and a few other shop fixtures that won't easily fit in Mongers Market.

The last regular sale date is Saturday April 2. After that date my credit card processor will no longer function and the shop will be stripped down for a final closing of April 22. Cash sales only after April 2. Only one month left.