Thursday, August 27, 2020

Shop Improvements

Important update:

Since I am no longer open with regular hours I have less need for in-shop two way traffic flow and I also need less of a back room area to support being at the shop 6-8 hours at a time.

As a result of the change in circumstances I have been tinkering with the shop layout to support more aggressive ventilation, assisting the shop's cooling and to allow for more clothing display while maintaining the aesthetic integrity of the space. I think people will be appreciative of the changes.

To make your shopping experience as safe and as healthy as possible I have also installed true HEPA air filtration that allows for multiple air exchanges an hour to bolster shop ventilation.

Inventory news: I am bringing my antique linens and textiles as well as a few antique collectibles and art to the shop and putting them out for sale this summer/fall.

I'm sad to say that I've lost my shop neighbors and this may happen more as time goes by. This is a difficult time and I'll hang in here as long as I can. I hope a some point that I can resume normal days/hours.

Thanks for checking in.