Starting in June Nostalgie will be open on a "By Appointment" basis until further notice. Shoppers will need to be properly masked, without fever or symptoms, hand sanitized at the door, one individual or maximum of two persons from the SAME household. Appointments will necessarily need to be 48 hours at a minimum apart due to the lack of ventilation in the shop space and the need to quarantine/steam/launder items tried on or handled.
I am still working to source non-bleach coronavirus cleaners that comply with the mandates of the State of Connecticut's cleaning protocols and hand sanitizers without stripping my household supplies bare and we will need to modify checkout procedures/area to no/minimum touch to minimize cross contamination.
I have recently opened an Etsy shop: NostalgieCT. I will be stocking it in the coming weeks with summer fashions.
Thanks for reading.
Wonderful news, Cathy! Will definitely be following along and spreading the word!